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When will Shell Idli Plates be available in the international market?Terifica has a license from Wannawill Inventorium to sell in India. We are actively working on getting permissions from them to sell abroad. When this happens, you'll be the first to know.
Can you describe the Ecommerce flow or ordering process?Step-1: Click SHOP from the main menu Step: 2: Click on the BUY NOW button Step: 3: ADD TO CART. And then view cart. Step: 4: CHECKOUT and provide all shipping details. Step: 5: Make PAYMENT and review order.
Can I purchase the Shell Idli Plates from anywhere?Shell Idli plates can only be bought online, for now. Over a period of time, as we get our distribution act together, the plates will be available in India at all leading stores. We will keep our customers posted as and when this happens. For now, it's safe to assume that they can only be purchased at our website.
Can the Shell Idli Plates be used with any pressure cooker?The Width of the Shell Idli Plates is 203 mm. And the Height is 160 mm. You need a pressure cooker with that's wider and taller. Usually, pressure cookers with a capacity of 5-litres and above are wider and taller. So we request you to measure your cooker width and height before you place an order for the Shell Idli plates. The last thing we want is a situation where you order the plates but don't have an appropriate cooker to use!
Are the Shell Idli Plates food-safe?Oh, yes. We've taken care to use Hindalco 1100 grade of Aluminium for our plates. Most leading appliance manufacturers use 1100 grade. Hence the phrase 'food grade aluminium'. The non-stick coating we use is a Greblon C2 coating from Weilburger which has certified as 'food safe'.
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